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Thursday, March 22, 2012


ish..lamanye tak menulis kat sini.. dah bersawang dah blog ni..many things happen seawal 2012..dapat rasa tahun ni a bit challenging from previous year.

1) January - ului accident kat cyberjaya on d way balik dari tpt keje, limkokwing uni..patah kaki n tangan kiri.. smpi entry ni ditulis dia masih MC, kat kampung.. maybe April @ May baru boleh keje kot.tak sure lagi, tengok keadaan dia mcm mn lps checkup

2) End of January, My x-colleague - WanTin passed away due to an accident on d way back to kl from kuantan after celebrating CNY left her one year old daughter n husband.. sangat terkejut mendengar berita ni.. she just sms me wishing new year early January.. sampai skg regret sebab lupa nak reply her sms.. so must remember to contact your  friends once a while to ask how they're doing, so you wont regret

3) February - my boss suddenly admitted at ICU due to seizures and MRI scan showed low grade tumor at right side of brain. Now he still monitor his condition and decide not to do operation first.

4) Middle February - Atok Cik meninggal di Tenggaroh, Mersing. tak boleh nak balik sebeb busy dengan class and boss pun sakit..

5) March - Mok long (husband's side) admitted to ICU, Hospt. Muar. Esok kita org plan nak balik kampung..

so, life is too short. appreciate people surrounds you.. contact your friends.. visit elderly people, spent quality time with your loved ones. k .